I apologize for the angle on all of these, but there's only about 9 feet of space before I hit the neighbor's fence, so full-on pictures just aren't happening. Although I have thought about asking if I could prop up a ladder on his porch....
The storms aren't back on yet, because Kevin is actually going to whip together some combination wood storms. They will have panels you can put on and remove from the inside. All of the storms on the house are either in really bad shape or aluminum, so new storms has been a priority. He is estimating about $50 a storm in materials, so I would expect them to come out around $75-100 because it's home improvement and everything always costs more than you think it will. Although we are beginning to factor that into our budgets. We were originally going to reuse the panes on the aluminum ones, but who knows, we might have to buy or make some new ones.
In that picture above, you can see part of the windows we refinished last summer. I like the white and gray with the shellac.
Here's a close-up of where the trim meets the clapboard. The Duramax paint is a winner. It coats so well and looks great. It's really thick, so when it dries, everything looks smooth.
Kevin had to get on the roof to do the very peak, because our ladder couldn't quite make it up that high. The roof is a pretty steep angle and he had to use the chimney and vent stack to rest his paint bucket on while getting up and down from the roof. He is happy to report that the roof is still gray; no paint was spilled.
And finally, a picture of our new addition: A Honey Crisp apple tree. Incidently, Honey Crisp apple trees also fit into our car, though I don't think it was too happy. I drove fast.
That looks fantastic! Do you mind if I ask the paint color name and brand? We are looking for just the right shade of grey and I don't think I've found it yet.
That sounds like a lot of hard work. I bet you're glad you did it yourself. Hope that you continue to blog it. knkhomeimprovements.com
Isn't completion the BEST FEELING in the world?? Your place is just stunning. My storms are still off, too--I have aluminum that I had debated painting, so I'm anxious to see how your wooden storm project progresses. I am really hestitant to use the aluminum ones after putting so much into the appearance of the exterior. Afraid I'll junk it up in no time flat.
Of course! It is Duramax by Valspar (Lowes). The colors we used are:
gray- porcelain shale
white- comet dust
The green for anyone who's interested in stain is Cabot's Semi-Transparent in Evergreen.
I'll keep you posted on what we decide to do with the storms.
Yes, it was hard work, but we are proud of it.
It is, though I wish we had more of it done than just one side. I think the rest will go faster, though. There's not the height to deal with on the front, except for a dormer. I can't wait to do the porch.
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